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  • 欧洲有史以来最大的波坦回转起重机在意大利进行大规模的格拉瓦尼亚高架桥翻新

    •意大利建筑公司ITINERA呼吁马尼托瓦克公司支持热那亚附近格拉瓦尼亚高架桥的改造,使用世界上第一个MDLT 1109模型, the largest top-slewing cranes ever produced from Potain in 欧洲.
    •MDLT 1109取代了广受欢迎的MD 1100,并结合了高性能提升(11.1 t at 80 m) with compact transport and simplified assembly.

  • Two Grove cranes from Palumbo Heavy Lift team up for spectacular tandem lifts in Naples

    •Palumbo Heavy Lift派出了新的Grove GMK5250XL-1和GMK7450来拆除那不勒斯一艘Perini Navi超级游艇的桅杆, 意大利.
    • The company particularly appreciated the GMK5250XL-1’s long 78.5 m main boom, which helped the team complete the complex lifting work within a day.

  • Grove GMK6300L-1 comes to the rescue following incident at Istanbul Airport

    •吊车成功吊起15人.4 t nose of the airplane, ensuring the rescue operation was a success.

  • 马尼托瓦克用家庭日庆祝活动来鼓舞社区

    •马尼托瓦克在Shady Grove举办了一个家庭日活动, 宾西法尼亚, 这让公司的员工和他们的家人聚在一起,度过了庆祝和增进感情的一天.

  • More reach, strength, and flexibility with new Grove rough-terrain cranes

    • Grove GRT765 and GRT780 were presented to customers at the Manitowoc Crane Days event. 交付时间定于今年晚些时候. 

  • Potain MCT 275 tower cranes chosen for residential project in Baghdad

    • The two Potain MCT 275 tower cranes were sold via Manitowoc’s 中东 sales team.
    •安装和服务由伊拉克当地建筑设备公司HEWA Holding和Manitowoc在埃及的经销商提供, 国内流离失所者.

  • 荷兰起重机公司与Grove达成XL协议,以促进增长

    •家族起重机租赁公司Pater将其心爱的Grove GMK5095全地形起重机升级为更大的150吨GMK5150XL,并且已经获得了回报.
    •新起重机开始正常工作, lifting 6 t concrete floor panels for a local community center in 荷兰.

  • Tall order Grove GMK5250XL-1 called in for high-rise project in downtown Amsterdam




Manitowoc unveils powerful and efficient MDLT 1109, 欧洲’s largest Potain tower crane

•新的Potain MDLT 1109顶回转起重机满足了欧洲大型基础设施项目的需求,最大容量为40吨.1吨的容量在80米的最大到达.
• It builds on the success of the former MD 1100 with a more compact footprint, 更容易运输, 更高效的装配.
• The MDLT 1109 also includes the latest Potain technology including the P+ load curve, 港口CCS(起重机控制系统), Potain CONNECT远程信息处理, 和驾驶室内桅杆操作员升降机.

Manitowoc donates crane simulator to IUOE’s training center in Texas

•马尼托瓦克为IUOE在美国的每个地方分会提供了起重机和技术支持.S. 和加拿大合作了20多年.

GCA subsidiary AUTAA deploys new Grove crane for hospital expansion in France

•AUTAA, 是一家法国起重公司,也是运输和物流巨头查尔斯安德罗集团(GCA)的子公司。, 部署了新的300吨GMK6300L-1全地形起重机,为当地医院的扩建组装预制模块. 
• The crane’s compact dimensions and quiet operation impressed from the outset, ensuring operations at the hospital continued with minimal impact from the expansion work.

Jörn Henselmans被任命为Manitowoc Grove全地形起重机副总裁兼总经理

•4月12日生效, Jörn Henselmans是Manitowoc crane的Grove全地形起重机副总裁兼总经理, 总部设在威廉港, 德国.
•Henselmans于2013年10月加入Manitowoc, holding roles with increasing responsibilities at the 公司, 最近的职位是运营副总裁, 高级质量总监和制造总监.

Southern Cranes adds 10 new Grove all-terrain cranes to support growth strategy

•英国起重设备供应商南方起重机公司订购了10台Grove全地形起重机, 包括GMK5150XL, GMK5250XL-1, GMK3060L-1全地形车型.
•新的起重机都是三轴和五轴的, and form part of the company’s wider fleet modernization and diversification strategy.

Manitowoc highlights technician training and successful crane remanufacturing at M&2024年世博会

• Between April 23-26, visitors to Manitowoc’s stand (C-10) at M&在圣保罗举行的T博览会将发现该公司在拉丁美洲扩大和加强客户支持方面的最新投资.
•巴西的成功模式, 例如格罗夫GMK6400-1和翻新的GMK5250L-1, 将会展出.
• Visitors will also get a close look at the MLC165 crawler crane simulator, one of the most advanced simulators in the lifting industry.


• Manitowoc is introducing two new luffing jib crane models, mr309和mr329, 最大容量有16t和25t两种.
•虽然两台起重机共用一个60米的臂架和3米长的臂架.4吨的容量在尖端, they have different load curves and heights under pivot thanks to the respective 2 m and 2.45米枢轴和桅杆配置.
• The new generation responds to customer feedback for simpler and quicker erection, 枢轴下高度更大, 更强大的负载图表, 还有一个更小的停止服务半径(最小9.5米至12米).

Multi-Crane solves De Zaanse Helden’s jobsite puzzle with Potain cranes

•荷兰起重机公司Multi-Crane为Zaandam的De Zaanse Helden住宅项目部署了六台Potain MDT塔式起重机, 位于荷兰阿姆斯特丹附近.
• The project’s confined space demanded meticulous planning of the crane positioning, 钩的高度, 和挑出. Multi-Crane凭借其Potain MDT无顶塔式起重机解决难题的能力赢得了该公司的租赁合同.

新Potain MCR 625是高速列车, high-performance luffing jib crane for the world’s fastest-growing markets

•来自Potain的最新变幅悬臂起重机建立在欧洲和北美市场流行且经过验证的MR 618的设计基础上.
•它是专为亚洲的增长市场, 中东, 和拉丁美洲,包括可移动的平衡物,以更好地优化空间和紧凑的设计.
•MCR 625工作与一个或两个下降的审查, 使提升速度更快,以最大限度地提高生产率.

Five Potain cranes chosen for 印度’s groundbreaking new airport

•建筑公司塔塔项目(Tata Projects)为印度最大机场的一个新航站楼项目购买了两台Potain MCT 565a塔式起重机.
•该公司还从Rental Partners租用了三台Potain MCT 385 A塔式起重机,为这个庞大的基础设施项目提供全覆盖.
•塔塔项目与Manitowoc 提升解决方案合作,将MCT 565a起重机的最大臂架从80米增加到85米.

ILC of Kuwait boosts Grove fleet with a year of record purchases

• Deliveries included 20 GMK4100L-2, 10 GMK6300L-1, and its first GMK5250XL-1.
•构建质量, 可操作性, and service support all contributed to ILC’s record number of purchases.

Nimble Crane to shine light on Autism Awareness Month with vibrant crane wrap

•该公司计划在4月份推出一款带有自闭症意识包装的Grove GMK5150L起重机,作为对该事业的支持的一部分.
•多年来, Nimble Crane has prioritized engaging with the surrounding community on important issues.